Saturday, June 5, 2010

This heat is kicking my (ass)ets...

I tried to run at 4:00pm this week (it was the only time in the day that my mother in law was able to watch the baby, So I had to get my run in, regardless of the heat.) Lets just cut to the good part and tell you all how I dry heaved and suffered a massive migraine after my 1.45 MILE RUN. (1.45 miles should be fairly easy at this point, but it was hell. Utter hell. Fire and brimstone, gnashing of teeth, I-want to keel over and die right here on the hot pavement-hell) I was planning on running 4, but ended up walking my happy butt back to the car and feeling like I was going to vomit the rest of the day. Serves me right. What sort of idiot runs during the hottest time of the day!! IN VEGAS?! This idiot!

I did find out, however that running at 7:00am was not much different. We ran today (Jessica, Eliza, Amy & Myself) and I was DY-ING! We all were DY-ING. We decided that if we want to do any kind of "training" for our marathon in August, we'd better get ready for early morning runs. Like butt crack of dawn 5:00 in the morning kind of runs. ughhhh....

How's your running going?

Mines not that awesome lately.... I'm not gunna lie.

I got an email this week from Candice, bragging (in a good way) about Jessi's 8:30 pace. She's worked hard for it, but it doesn't make my pathetic pace look any less pathetic!

*By the way, I'm super proud of you Jessi. You ROCK. I can't believe how far you've come and you're like seirously a-mazing! You go with your 8:30 pace girl! ;)
(it's not about that though right? paces and such. It's about getting out there and ignoring your thighs rubbing against each other creating a really embarrassing heat rash, and it's about the joy of popping that blister on your pinky toe when you get home-because your shoes are pieces of shit now and all you could think about was whether you'd be able to find some Mizunos on sale!! It's about sun burnt shoulders and running off that half rack of ribs and mac and cheese from the previous supper. Not paces!) Sheesh!

This is what I think about when I run. Ribs, blisters, shoes on sale and the fact that the tiny dot that WAS Jessi is but a distant memory now because she has totally smoked me so badly that once she finished, she circled back around to find me walking-trying to find a good song on my ipod. I was so far behind her at this point that she raced back to find me thinking surly I'd been murdered! But I was just taking a leisurely stroll and was about to collapse from this awful Vegas heat...not getting raped or murdered today. No need to be alarmed. I'm just tired, hot and lazy! No biggie.

And so is the mind of this runner.

Tomorrow is a new day, and a new run, and maybe I'll be able to beat Jessi's pace-or match it someday, but right now I'm gunna go pop me some wicked blisters!

*Big Ups to Eliza for running her first five miles today.
You killed it girl

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hot Assets: a place where we learn how to love running

{your future-favorite running trail pictured above}
Get excited.

Laying in bed the other night, Dustin and I were throwing blog titles around for the running club/blog that's starting up in September.

Me: "The blog will be called "Hot assets!" Like, hot ass-
Dustin: "Oh, I get it....ASS-ets! No, that's really gay! You should call it "A mile in style" and you guys could wear cute running clothes or something!"

My husband sat there with a smile on his face congratulating himself, waiting for his pat on the back.
Me: shaking my head and kindly responding after a long silence: "Mile in style? That's way gayer than "Hot assets" Way gayer! We're so much cooler than that Dustin. Who do you think we are?!"

Figuring out a name for this blog has been a real pain in my...ASSets?!

(I'm kind of surprised that "Hot Assets" wasn't already taken. The name is genius...) 

I began to think about the title "A mile in style" and though to myself, running isn't very cute or stylish. Afterwards YOU SMELL. There's dried hair stuck to the side of your face from spitting out flem while you were running and your crotch stinks... Or maybe my crotch is the only one that ever stinks.... TMI? (Well it's the truth OK?!) IT'S NOT PRETTY!

AHEM..... anyway, it ain't pretty like I said! So I decided that Hot Assets was a cheeky name and it made me smile, so that's what it will be called. If you have a clever idea for a blog name, throw it my way.

I've been thinking about starting a running "club" over the last few months after I realized how life changing it was for me to start running and how good it made me feel. Once I learned how to run, I felt empowered. The girls that I had started running with kept pushing me and encouraging me to keep at it and keep going, so it was a no brainer that I needed to do the same for other girls. Thank Goodness for face book. I hadn't talked to these girls since high school and when we became fb friends, I invited myself to go run with them (being the sweet-kind-awesome girls that they are) and they became my real life friends instead of just my cyber friends...and we ran a half marathon together and BTW, I seriously love them. Running has done wonders for my self esteem, post baby body, and post baby-baby blues. I set goals and accomplished those goals which made me feel like a friggin' rock star!

I DON'T CARE HOW FAT OR SLOW OR LAZY you think you are... you will run, and the more you run, the better you will get, and the better you get, the better your perception of your body will be and when all of those things rub up on each other, you get a girl who loves to run and loves her body.

Sign me up already! 

So the idea is this. We will start out with ONE mile. Just one. We will all run at different paces, and it's OK to stop and take breaks, it's OK to suck, and we're all going to get frustrated at some point. BUT, we're going to get stronger, we're going to have healthier hearts, we're going to make friends with people that we otherwise wouldn't have and we're going to have a blast. AND NO ONE'S CROTCH IS GOING TO STINK because we're ladies and we don't sweat, we blush.... We're going to get more in shape and my hope is that a community of strong woman who (are learning to) love the sport of running would rise up and this would be a place where you can be encouraged and encourage others.

 We will be running different trails every week to keep it interesting and challenging. Each girl will have a profile connected with the blog so we can put a face with a name and keep you accountable (hunt you down and eat your children if you don't show up EVERY Saturday to run!....) that was a joke (but really, I will personally eat your children)... 

This blog will not be my blog, but a blog for the girls to share experiences and stories, good running days & bad running days. You can share advice and tips, and we will also share races we're doing together.

Are you ready for a challenge? Are you ready for hot {ass}ets? 

get excited Ladies. It's kind of a big deal.

email me at or leave a comment
if you'd like to hang out and get your run on with us in September.
photo of us training for our Red Rock race (pictured above)
Photo of us after we ran the Red Rock race (pictured above)