I tried to run at 4:00pm this week (it was the only time in the day that my mother in law was able to watch the baby, So I had to get my run in, regardless of the heat.) Lets just cut to the good part and tell you all how I dry heaved and suffered a massive migraine after my 1.45 MILE RUN. (1.45 miles should be fairly easy at this point, but it was hell. Utter hell. Fire and brimstone, gnashing of teeth, I-want to keel over and die right here on the hot pavement-hell) I was planning on running 4, but ended up walking my happy butt back to the car and feeling like I was going to vomit the rest of the day. Serves me right. What sort of idiot runs during the hottest time of the day!! IN VEGAS?! This idiot!
I did find out, however that running at 7:00am was not much different. We ran today (Jessica, Eliza, Amy & Myself) and I was DY-ING! We all were DY-ING. We decided that if we want to do any kind of "training" for our marathon in August, we'd better get ready for early morning runs. Like butt crack of dawn 5:00 in the morning kind of runs. ughhhh....
How's your running going?
Mines not that awesome lately.... I'm not gunna lie.
Mines not that awesome lately.... I'm not gunna lie.
I got an email this week from Candice, bragging (in a good way) about Jessi's 8:30 pace. She's worked hard for it, but it doesn't make my pathetic pace look any less pathetic!
*By the way, I'm super proud of you Jessi. You ROCK. I can't believe how far you've come and you're like seirously a-mazing! You go with your 8:30 pace girl! ;)
*By the way, I'm super proud of you Jessi. You ROCK. I can't believe how far you've come and you're like seirously a-mazing! You go with your 8:30 pace girl! ;)
(it's not about that though right? paces and such. It's about getting out there and ignoring your thighs rubbing against each other creating a really embarrassing heat rash, and it's about the joy of popping that blister on your pinky toe when you get home-because your shoes are pieces of shit now and all you could think about was whether you'd be able to find some Mizunos on sale!! It's about sun burnt shoulders and running off that half rack of ribs and mac and cheese from the previous supper. Not paces!) Sheesh!
This is what I think about when I run. Ribs, blisters, shoes on sale and the fact that the tiny dot that WAS Jessi is but a distant memory now because she has totally smoked me so badly that once she finished, she circled back around to find me walking-trying to find a good song on my ipod. I was so far behind her at this point that she raced back to find me thinking surly I'd been murdered! But I was just taking a leisurely stroll and was about to collapse from this awful Vegas heat...not getting raped or murdered today. No need to be alarmed. I'm just tired, hot and lazy! No biggie.
This is what I think about when I run. Ribs, blisters, shoes on sale and the fact that the tiny dot that WAS Jessi is but a distant memory now because she has totally smoked me so badly that once she finished, she circled back around to find me walking-trying to find a good song on my ipod. I was so far behind her at this point that she raced back to find me thinking surly I'd been murdered! But I was just taking a leisurely stroll and was about to collapse from this awful Vegas heat...not getting raped or murdered today. No need to be alarmed. I'm just tired, hot and lazy! No biggie.
And so is the mind of this runner.
Tomorrow is a new day, and a new run, and maybe I'll be able to beat Jessi's pace-or match it someday, but right now I'm gunna go pop me some wicked blisters!
*Big Ups to Eliza for running her first five miles today.
You killed it girl